Geography Pupils Learn Whilst Messing About on the River!
30 April 2018
Postponed from last month due to the wet and cold weather, the Year 9 and 10 Geography pupils finally got to go on their field trip on what was, in contrast, one of the hottest days of the year so far!
The Geography department has now taken two groups over to Wycoller Country Park to complete a detailed GCSE river fieldwork study. It’s the turn of the final two groups next week.
The pupils have been measuring and recording various characteristics of how the Wycoller Beck changes downstream. The Wycoller stream eventually flows into the River Calder and then into our own River Ribble.
Lead Teacher for Geography, Mr Watters, said: “We travelled by school mini-buses for each day out. Friday last week and Monday this week the pupils have walked along the long profile and stopped to describe the process of formation, photograph and measure features such as a waterfall, meander and ox-bow lake.”
Mr Watters continued by saying, “The pupils are testing velocity, river bed load, cross profiles and calculating increasing discharge. Each of the groups have worked really well. Luckily, the weather has been fine.”
Mr Watters and Mr Metcalfe have been superbly supported by Miss Lancaster.
The picnic site is wonderful, as is the walk, for anyone who would like to take their own family for a great walk themselves. Please email Mr Watters for details -
We look forward to next week’s final trips when we are joined by Mrs Crank who is famous for her superb cakes. Mrs Crank has a lot to live up to after the millionaire’s shortcake from Miss Lancaster, and the ice creams we got on the journey back to school!