Latest News
High School Musical cast rewarded with visit to local restaurant
The High School Musical cast and crew visited Salvatore’s Italian restaurant as a reward for their commitment to the production.
Year 7 line up their models to impress Geography teachers
Pupils have once again got creative for the annual Geography Contours Competition.
Year 8 become young engineers for IET's Faraday Challenge
The challenge days focus on fun, teamwork and transferrable skills, whilst putting projects into a real-world context.
Year 7 pupil on target for football success
Year 7 Alegria has already had quite a football career as he looks to make it big in the football world.
Year 10 Engineering pupils visit Leyland Trucks
Year 10 pupils learned about the automotive engineering business and the apprenticeships on offer for school leavers.
End of term Christmas entertainers
Three courageous pupils sang solo in front of the whole school as we gathered together for the end of term assembly.
Priory+ autumn term awards giving
Mr Eastham has presented badges and certificates to pupils who had achieved the next stage in the Priory+ Awards.
Oliver and Alex: I love Maths because...
The Maths Department ran a competition asking pupils to say what they particularly enjoy about the subject. Here's why Year 7s Oliver and Alex love Maths:
Secret Santa comes to Priory
Culture Club organised a Secret Santa gift exchange and invited everyone to get involved.
A Christmas card designed for Priory
Our Christmas Card competition is always competitive as pupils aim for their festive 'Priory' design to be the winner!
Year 11 girls help the homeless
Following an assembly delivered by Vice Principal Mrs Cowell about homelessness, four Year 11 girls have come to the rescue!
Year 9 talks the talk for football commentary
“Miss Smith spotted the opportunity to join the Lancashire FA panel at the end of Year 7 to do something about things like this and it was something that interested me so I did."