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Meet The Teacher - Miss Higginson, Technology
Miss Higginson was so inspired by the school, her colleagues and our pupils that she decided to give up her day job as Priory's Technology Technician to train to become a teacher.
Alumni - Susan Cheesebrough (Class of 2076)
Susan made it to the Olympics in 1976 and 1980, and even appeared in the original series of the Gladiators .
Celebrating Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award achievements
The event celebrated the remarkable achievements of our Year 10 and Year 11 pupils who successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award.
European Day of Languages 2024
Year 7 went off-timetable to celebrate the European Day of Languages, an important day where we highlight the importance of learning a language across Europe.
What's the music this week? Black History Month
This week it's all about: Black History Month. Mr Taylor has been working with Year 11, DaMari, on playlists by black musicians from around the world.
From Primary to Priory at Open Evening 2024
Our doors opened last Thursday evening to almost 400 families as they began their search for a secondary school for their children.
All the fun at the 'book' fair
On Thursday we took a trip down to the library to see what was happening at the book fair.
What's the music this week? w/c 23 September
This week it's all about: Power Ballads. Those emotionally-charged, agonising, tormented pieces of music ...
Potter and Paris Trip 2024
On Friday, 20 September a group of 40 pupils set off on a residential trip to Harry Potter Studios, London, and Paris, incorporating Disneyland and many key tourist attractions in the cities.
Textile Club has it all sewn up every Tuesday
Textiles Club has returned and made a great start to the new term with a mix of new and familiar faces every Tuesday after school.
Water fun for inter house challenge
There was fun on the yard at lunchtime as pupils gathered to watch an Inter-House game of water antics.
Year 7 Science transition homework
Before they even started, Year 7 has blown us away with their Science homework!