Welcome to the Penwortham Priory Academy's Trustee's page.

The Chair of Trustees is Dr Phil Range who can be contacted via school.

The Clerk to the Trustees is Mrs Sue Spencer who can be contacted at school*. 


School trustees are all volunteers and are drawn from different parts of the community.

The academy trust board provides:

  • Strategic leadership of the academy trust – the board defines the trust vision, fosters the trust's culture and sets its strategy, including determining what (if any) trustee functions are delegated
  • Accountability and assurance – robust oversight of the trust's operations and performance
  • Engagement – strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders (parents, schools and communities)

Penwortham Priory Academy is committed to having an active board that is diverse and inclusive and reflective of the community we serve. More information is available in the Trustee Diversity document below. 


  1. The trustee board consists of - up to 6 trustees appointed by the members, 3 parent trustees, co-opted trustees (2 spaces typically allocated to academy staff) and the principal.
  2. Periods of office are held for four years.
  3. The trustee board delegates certain responsibilities to two main committees; the resources, audit and risk committee and the curriculum and standards committee, both of whom meet 4 times a year.
  4. All committee meeting minutes are submitted to the full trustee board.
  5. There are three full trustees board meetings per year.
  6. The current chair of trustees is Dr Philip Range, and the vice chair is Ms Jemma Oliver.
  7. The chair of the resources, audit and risk committee is Mrs Rachel Lancaster and the vice chair is Mr Damien Savage.
  8. The chair of the curriculum and standards committee is Dr Philip Range and the vice chair is Mr Pete Faulkner.
  9. The co-opted staff trustee(s) represent staff views and report back to colleagues as/when appropriate. The current co-opted staff trustees are Mrs Elle Diamond-Bugler and Mr Pete Faulkner.
  10. Trustees are aware of all school policies.
  11. The principal will have regular, routine meetings with the chair of trustees. The chair should never receive any ‘surprise’ information without first having been informed by the principal.
  12. The academy trust meets three times a year and is made up of the ‘members’.
  13. Individual trustees are linked to the following key areas – Safeguarding, SEND, Careers, Trustee Development and GDPR/Cyber Security.  We also have trustees linked to the following four areas of the Ofsted framework –  Leadership and Management, Quality of Education, Behaviour and Management and Personal Development.
  14. The clerk to the trustees is Mrs Sue Spencer*.
  15. All trustees are DBS cleared.

Copies of trustee meeting agendas and minutes are available upon request by contacting the Clerk to the Trustees, Mrs Sue Spencer*. 

*Mrs Spencer is currently on maternity leave, in her absence, please address all enquiries to Mrs Elle Diamond-Bugler)

Please note, all documentation will be revised following the first full trustee board meeting of the academic year 2024-25.

Trustee Information

Trustee Profiles


If you would like to contact any member of the Academy Trust please do so via the Clerk to the Trustees.