School Shoes - Contraventions
17 December 2019
As it approaches the end of the term we have noticed more pupils arriving at school in trainers. This is an infringement of school policy and pupils wearing trainers without good reason will be sent to the Pastoral office for temporary replacement footwear.
Parents are expected to support our school uniform policy and have a duty to send their child to school appropriately dressed and ready to learn. Please take the opportunity given over the festive break to ensure your child has appropriate footwear ready for the new term.
Our rule for school footwear states: Boys should wear sensible black shoes (no canvas shoes, trainers or boots). Girls must have sensible black low-heeled shoes (no high heels, canvas shoes, trainers or boots).
Staff consistently implement expected high standards of uniform and appearance and therefore we require all pupils to meet the school standards. Action will be taken against pupils who regularly flout this policy.