Introducing your 2022-23 prefect team
15 September 2022
Fatima, Ben and Taylor are the Head Prefects for this school year while Holly, Lucas, George and Maya will work alongside them as Senior Prefects.
Ben, whose favourite subjects are history and geography, said: “It’s an honour to be a Head Prefect. Mr Eastham said he couldn’t separate Taylor and I so instead of two Head Prefects there are three this year! We are still waiting to hear what our exact roles are but will divide our responsibilities and work as a team.”
Taylor, who enjoys maths, said: “We have made history! It was a tough selection process, where we had to write a letter to Mr Eastham and then give a speech over zoom, that bit was tough. I was surprised when they said both Ben and I had the joint role but it's good as well."
Fatima, who excels at science, said: “I was surprised when I was selected as a Head Prefect. There were a lot of girls in the selection process so I couldn’t believe it when it was me. I am very proud.”
Holly is a Senior Prefect and she may be a familiar face as she was Mrs Wormwood in the school’s production of ‘Matilda’.
“I was surprised when I was selected, it is an honour. I enjoy history and drama.”
Maya enjoys history and geography and said: “We are waiting to find out our roles but we are all excited.”
Lucas already has big responsibilities – he is an Air Cadet and attended the Royal Proclamation at Preston, to proclaim King Charles III, which was on the steps of the Harris Museum.
“It was amazing to see the most important people in Preston literally just above me,” said Lucas.
Before the summer break, Lucas gained his Air Cadet wings which means he can now fly the Grob Tutor.
“I want to be a Fighter Pilot for King and country, I have wanted to do it since I was in Year 8.”
George enjoys geography and IT in school but wants his future job to go back millions of years!
“I have been interested in dinosaurs since I was little. I want to work in zoology or paleontology.”
Prefects are an important aspect of Priory's reward system. Year 11s are given responsibility to show they can represent the school in a positive and mature manner. Congratulations to all our prefects (too many of you to list individually here) who have met the highest expectations in attitude to learning, attendance and behaviour needed to successfully qualify for the position.
The prefect team's first task will begin next Thursday evening from 4.30pm when they will welcome prospective families to Priory for the school's open evening, alongside Mr Eastham.
Tags: Learning for Life