8 March 2023

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Classics | Non Fiction | Young Adult Fiction

We’re always looking to top up our library.  Do you have any books that you are wondering what to do with next? Are they suitable for our young adults? Could we have them?

Our library plays a very important role in promoting the habit of reading for pleasure as well as enriching students’ intellectual growth.

Pick up a form from your English teacher to record your donations.  When you've filled it in, hand it in to Mrs Elliott in the library/EN4.  Pupils can drop books off at the library, with their English teacher, or parents may leave them at Reception. This will run until the end of the term, 31 March. There are prizes to be won for biggest donator plus all names will be put into a hat for three lucky draw prizes.

Enquiries can be emailed to Mrs Elliott, English Teacher and Chief Librarian at j.elliott@priory.lancs.sch.uk  

Big Thanks To...

We would like to publicly thank the Jusypiw and Close families for their enormously generous donation of books already!


Tags: English