20 November 2023

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Connor...

Connor is having a race with his friend Zach to finish ‘Wranglestone’ – as there is only one copy of the sequel in the school library at the moment! 

Year 9 Connor is a Cool Reader and is up to Chapter Five in Darren Charlton’s book. 

“Basically it’s a frozen lake and there is an island in the middle where people live. The water freezes in the winter so the zombies can get to the island,” said Connor. 

“We both selected it at the same time as we liked the sound of it and now we are racing to see who can finish it first!” 

Connor’s favourite subject is History. 

“I have always liked History, looking at the past. I like the 1066 era but also studying the World Wars.” 

However he sees his future career in the kitchens. 

“I want to be a chef. I like Food Technology as well as History and I enjoy cooking. My mum cooks a lot. 

“My best dish is probably pasta from scratch. I want to own my own restaurant."

Tags: English Year 9 Personal Development