17 June 2024

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Emotions were running high on Friday as our Year 11s spent their last day at Priory. 

Their Physics exam in the afternoon meant that the celebrations had to start late.  However, as soon as that was over with, pupils ventured out into the Nucleus and Priory Gardens on such a glorious day for the traditional shirt-signing. Their Celebration Assembly followed on from this where Mr Eastham, and Mrs Cowell handed out numerous - and well deserved - certificates, awards and trophies.  Before they headed home for the last time as a Priory pupil, they giggled and cringed as they watched their farewell presentation which included photos of their early school days, memories and things we'll miss about this special year group.

There are a couple of remaining exams this week however, we'll see everyone again when they're back for their GCSE results on 22 August.  Not forgetting the Prom on 4 July!

We wish all our Year 11 pupils the very best of luck in their future careers and we thank our parents/guardians for all the help and support you have given to them, and the school, throughout their years with us. 

Now they've grown their wings to fly away and follow their dreams, whichever path they've chosen to reach them.  

Slideshow, please scroll>>


Tags: Year 11