19 July 2018

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Pupils who have shown an interest in designing open spaces and architecture were invited to construct a model village last week.

Priory students were invited by artist Emily Speed and In Certain Places, UCLan, to contribute to the building of a model village on the site of the future housing development at Waterside, Cottam.

What would your dream place to live or play in look like?

Working with coloured clay, Emily led the group sessions where students created an ideal home, or made their mark on the village by creating, extending or customising its buildings, trees, parks, streets and play spaces.
Sessions started with some discussion and drawing exploring what we need and want in a place to live and what is great or needs changing about home. They then added to the model village as a group, creating and building.
The Model Village will be a space where it’s possible to rethink the open spaces that are designed for development and to explore the possibilities for designing an area of mixed use for a small community. Emily was interested in how young people play and use space and how they might imagine making these spaces differently. 

Mrs Hopes, Head of Creative Arts, who co-ordinated the visit said, “The artist was really impressed with the pupils’ work and gave us some clay so they could continue their work back at school”.

Well done Sophie H, Brook H-F, May R, Olivia T, Imogen K, Aimee H, Leah G, Rihanna W, Rio N, Danielle S, Scarlett S, Molly S.