Mrs Gidden's cool readers club - Emmie
27 April 2020
Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits.
Before the school closure we interviewed Year 7 pupil, Emmie
Emmie likes adventure books with twists and turns.
The Year 7 pupil is currently reading ‘The London Eye Mystery’ by Siobhan Dowd.
“It’s about a boy who goes on the London Eye and doesn’t come off when it comes back down. His two cousins are left to figure out what has happened to him. It is funny at some points and it’s a mystery.”
Emmie says her favourite book is ‘Heart of Thorns’ by Bree Barton. "It’s set in ancient times and it’s a battle against demons. It’s adventurous and there are a lot of twists which I enjoy.
“I like lots of different authors and I do read a lot, I think I have read five or six books since September.”