Priory's Covid Time Capsule
3 June 2020
It is safe to say that we are living in extraordinary times. Our lives as they were have had to adapt to a situation that none of us will ever forget. Here at Priory we would like to commemorate these times more fully by designing, building and filling a time capsule with our memories of 2020 and the Coronavirus lockdown. This capsule will be buried in our newly refurbished gardens once we return to school.
Further information will follow after Half Term, but we would like to have contributions from pupils and their families in the capsule. This will take the form of a competition that will be co-ordinated by Miss Ackers, where a pupil from each year group can contribute a letter, poem, artefact or piece of artwork to the capsule.
Keep your eyes peeled for further information after the Half Term break.
Stay safe,
Mr Eccles
Lead Teacher of History
A time capsule:
An historic cache of goods or information, usually intended as a deliberate method of communication with future people, and to help future archaeologists, anthropologists, or historians.
The preparing and preserving of a collection of everyday artefacts and messages to the future is sometimes created and buried during celebrations, a cornerstone laying for a building, or at other ceremonies.