3 June 2020

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This amazing poem was sent in by one of our Year 7 pupils. She was a little bored and wrote it with her Nan whilst they were having a catch up over the phone. 

By Toni-Lea S-D, Year 7

What can we say,
You appeared from nowhere,
You're wiping us away.

You're evil and cruel
Heartless and a fool,
Because we will find a cure to kill you.

You have taken our loved ones,
You evil virus,
You made them suffer, lonely 
In silence.

We won’t give in,
We will fight back,
You will not make the UK crack.

All our government ask us for is 
Social distance,
Stay indoors.

All we ask for in return,
Is for plenty of resources 
So we can learn, 
about the evil nasty germ

It’s not much to ask,
Simple gloves and masks,
Aprons too, 
Some toilet rolls 
For the loo!

If all you idiots would stay indoors,
The nightmare 
Could be over,
The choice is yours.

People are dying 
Dropping like flies,
It’s heart breaking
For relatives 
That can’t be by their sides.

The Coronavirus is a deadly thing,
If it cannot reach us 
It cannot cling.

We applaud our
Brave people 
On the front line
For working round the clock 
To save many lives.

There are carers, refuge collectors,
Delivery drivers too,
We put our hands together 
We haven’t forgotten you

Many, many more, 
putting themselves in danger,
To try and help us -
We are so blown over

Come on Britain GB
Show our unity
Be a community.

It could be you,
Your daughter,
Your son, 
It could be 
Your gran or even your mum.

We will meet again,
Don’t know where,
Don’t no when,
But I know we will meet again 
Some sunny day.

Applaud our NHS
every Thursday
To show our respect and gratitude.