11 October 2022

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Fatima...

Fatima has taken the advice from one of her friends on her next book to read! 

Year 9 Fatima says she is looking forward to what she hopes is a page-turner in ‘They Both Die At The End’ by Adam Silvera. 

“My friend Ebony and I decided to swap our favourite books. She gave me this which I am excited about reading and I gave her ‘Verity’ by Colleen Hoover as that is a really good book. 

“Colleen Hoover is my favourite author. Her books are thrillers, they have romance and can be sad but I like reading her books. 

“She wrote ‘It Ends With Us’ which is quite a tough read about a girl whose dad is abusive to her mum but her mum never leaves him and the girl (Lily) can’t understand why. 

“Then, when she is older, she gets into an abusive relationship and she realises she is her mum.” 

Fatima’s favourite subject is English, she says Priory has 'very good English teachers,' and she wants to be a psychologist for her future career. 

“I like exploring how people feel and talking to them.” 

Fatima's English teacher, Mrs Robinson-Ali added, ""Fatima is a keen reader and I love that she and Ebony have set up a little 'book club' between them! We have just finished reading An Inspector Calls in English and Fatima always wanted to play one of the key parts, or the character with the most lines, and she read with enthusiasm and great expression. It's a pleasure to see a young person so invested in reading and in their English lessons. Keep up the great work, Fatima!"

Tags: English Library