15 June 2023

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Holly...

Cool Reader Holly is reading ‘The Climbers’ by award-winning author Keith Gray. 

The Year 8 said: “It’s a book about a boy who is the master of climbing trees and then there is a new kid in town who can also climb and it becomes a competition."

The book is based around teenage rivalry and friendship.

“It’s a bit off-beat to what I usually read but I am enjoying it. My favourite books are the Harry Potter series and I prefer the books to the films, they are more descriptive. 

“My favourite subject in school is English but I want to be a vet as a future career. I have three cats, an axolotl and a fish tank.” 

Holly's English teacher, Mr Owen, added, "Holly deserves every credit for her wonderful contribution to English lessons and Priory as a whole. Her effort is through the roof, regardless of how challenging a task may be. She interacts positively with everyone, and she loves to read and write! Her appetite for an intriguing narrative is unrivalled. Yes, Holly!"

Tags: English Year 8