2 October 2023

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Here's what our Cool Readers Club is all about...

These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher.  We interview them about their current book, what they like reading about and what they like to do when they’re not reading.  Introducing Lucy...

Multi-talented Lucy enjoys reading about facts and figures but fires her imagination by taking to the stage. 

The Year 9 admits she prefers books that have definite answers. 

“I am reading a book that has lots of random questions which are answered in a scientific way,” said Lucy. 

“I don’t like biographies and books like that, I like more random books, random facts which are conversation starters.” 

Lucy’s favourite subject is English and, as well as playing the drums, she likes acting and singing. 

“I play the drums. My dad got into it in lockdown and I could hear him playing so I had a go. I have taken a couple of exams. 

“I am Serena in the school’s production of Legally Blonde and I also go to ‘Stagecoach Preston’, a club where I sing, act and dance. 

“In the future though I think I want to do something with psychology or philosophy.” 

Lucy performed the Summer Arts Festival in July where she played drums to a backing track of Queen's 'I want to break free'. 

Tags: English Music Year 9 Personal Development