25 May 2024

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Our Year 11s have big plans for the future after leaving Priory with a strong education and happy memories.

From a pilot, to sports stars, to an actor, to making a lot of money – there are a variety of careers our pupils hope to head in to.

Finlay is a flanker for Preston Grasshoppers Under 16s and, while he hopes he can take his rugby union further, he is also looking at other options.

“I have played rugby union for as long as I can remember. I would love to carry it on. I did have a trial for Sale Sharks Academy, after being recommended, but I didn’t get in – you never know what could happen in the future though.

“My favourite subject at Priory is ICT and I want to go to Newman College.

“I have loved the atmosphere at Priory, it’s a bubbly place to be.”

Olivia is also a sports star – she plays netball for Wyre and is at Leeds Rhinos Academy.

“I am Goal Attack and I train twice a week at Leeds. I guess my dream is to play for Manchester Thunder at netball.

“I am going to go to Newman College to study Business and Psychology. I want to make money!”

Leon has already featured in our newsletter as he has raised money for his older brother, Lewis, who has learning difficulties.

“I like Food Technology at Priory and so I have held bake sales and done football cards to raise money for computers for Lewis’ school Sir Tom Finney High School.

“I want to go to Runshaw College and study Business or Public Services. Going into the police is one option.

“At Priory, I have made a lot of friends and enjoy coming to school.”

Abigail has also featured in our newsletter a few times – for raising money to buy goods to take to Cuba and also her team came second overall in ‘Operation Moonlight,’ a ‘manhunt’ for scout and explorer groups.

“I am a member of West Lancs Scouts and go every week and also have plans to go back to Cuba but it is expensive to travel!

“I have enjoyed my time at Priory – I am a House Captain and a Head Librarian. 

"It’s tough at the moment with all the revision and it is quite tiring!  I want to go to Runshaw College and study A-Levels in History, Geography and French. I have no idea what I want to do so I am taking subjects I enjoy.”

Emmie is also keeping her options open.

“I am going to go to Newman College and study Graphic Design, Sociology and French. I like Graphic Design and want a career in that but I am also good at French so we shall see.

“Priory has a really nice environment, all the pupils and teachers are lovely and it is a great place to learn.”

Head Prefect Martha has a talent for hockey.

“I currently play for Preston and am part of the North West Talent Academy. I train four times a week and I would like to take my hockey further.

“I have enjoyed being Head Prefect. I have gained my confidence in speaking in public through it, as I have spoken at the Remembrance Ceremony and Holocaust Memorial Day.

“It’s been good and not too much pressure as four of us have shared the roles.

“I want to go to Newman College and do PE and, in the future, I would like to do something which involves sport.

“Priory has been enjoyable, I have made good friends and every day is interesting.”

Lewis is another of our Head Prefects and he is currently planning for the Musical Theatre course interview at Runshaw College.

“It’s tough as you have to get your grades and then do a monologue and songs as well as attend a couple of dancing and drama workshops. I am currently thinking about the songs I will sing, and rehearsing.

“I have been in the school productions. I started with Matilda in the ensemble and a side character but got bigger roles with Game Over, Mary Poppins and Legally Blonde.

“I originally did drama to improve my dancing, as a ballroom dancer, but now drama has taken over and become my main passion.

“I love being on the stage, I still get nervous, but I do thrive on the applause and the whole atmosphere. I haven’t decided yet whether I would like to do TV in the future or be on stage.

“Priory has been great for me. Everyone is so supportive and there is always someone to talk to if something is bothering you.

“I have enjoyed being a Head Prefect too, being part of a small group, and it wasn’t as daunting as I thought it would be – it’s been a fulfilling role.”

Footballer Mason is a national football champion already – he is part of the Lancashire Under 16s squad who took on Sussex at Stoke City in the National Final earlier this month.

“I am a striker and am currently playing for LSG in the West Lancs League to play some men’s football and make myself stronger. I also have an option of a scholarship at AFC Fylde, where I can take  a BTEC in Sport. I want to be a footballer.”

Favour’s aim is to make money!

“I want to go to Newman College and study Business and Law. I want to be a business woman, I want to make money and have money to spend!
“I have enjoyed my time at Priory. I got the chance to have a big part in the school show Matilda and, while I have sung at church, this was my first time acting and it was fun.

“I also helped to start Culture Day, going back to my Nigerian heritage, to help people understand other cultures and accept them. I felt we needed a colourful day so it was nice to wear traditional dress for school!”

Tom hopes to be high-flying as he has his sights set on being a pilot.

“I am an RAF Cadet, joining in 2021. My dad was in the army and I want to join the Royal Air Force. It will be tough as I think they have around four places and there are 3,000 applications.

“I want to go to Preston College to study engineering and then go into the army and see where it takes me.

“Priory has been good, I have made friends for life.”

Tags: Careers Year 11 Personal Development