3 June 2024

Image of

Tempest Photography is pleased to report Penwortham Priory Academy's whole school group photograph is available to view and order online only via the following weblink:


Postage is free for orders placed before the end of Sunday, 16 June (orders will be sent direct to school). The cost is £29.50 for a tubed print, with additional framing options.  Please include your child’s full name to assist with distribution at school.

A copy is available at reception if parents would like to view before they buy. 

For assistance, please call Tempest direct on 01736 752411 (Option 3 - Place an order (P&P applies) | Option 5 - Customer services)

Take a look at how it was done >>  https://www.priory.lancs.sch.uk/news/2024-05-18-whole-school-photo-it-happened-at-last

Tags: Alumni Staff