10 July 2024

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Once again, there were talented dancers, actors, musicians, singers and a rapper as we hosted our Summer Arts Festival on Tuesday evening.

Pupils took to the floor where the audience was treated to some outstanding performances. “Every year we are so impressed with the range of talented pupils we have here,” said Lead Teacher of Music, Mr Taylor. “They never cease to surprise us. It’s great to watch how their talents have developed and how they are growing into such confident performers.”

There were some very creative, individualistic performances where pupils arranged their own versions of existing material either as a soloist, a duet or a larger ensemble. Again Year 9 Phoebe W performed a self-taught dance, Year 10 Joe B performed a rap in his debut performance, alongside multiple performers showcasing several segments from shows such as Mean Girls and Chicago. We also were so pleased to see so many Year 7 pupils confidently show their creative talents as we also bade a fond farewell to several members of Year 11, who been stalwarts of all our Creative Arts events over the past 5 years.

Miss Howell, Lead Teacher of Drama, went on to say, "The students are excited to be getting on with new ideas already coming in for the next show. We are incredibly proud of everyone who took part; it takes determination, dedication, and resilience"

The interval saw the audience able to access the wonderful display of artwork which made it a truly memorable evening to experience all of the Creative Arts in one place.

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Tags: Music Art Creative Arts Drama Extra Curricular Personal Development Culture