11 September 2024

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Our 1974 Head Boy Geoff Rowbotham came back to Priory to welcome in the new Head Prefects and give a few words of advice.

Oliver, Chittara, Daniel and Navah all underwent a tough application process, including a speech on why they wanted the role, to become Priory’s Head Prefects for 2024/5.

Chittara said: “I have always wanted to be a Head Prefect, ever since I was young. I came to Priory in Year 10 and was proud I had the opportunity to be part of the leadership team. I am enthusiastic about it.”

Navah said: “It was nerve-racking giving a speech but I applied to build my confidence and giving the speech did this. I was surprised when I was appointed and really happy.”

Oliver said: “I applied because I thought it would be an accomplishment but it was terrifying doing the speech! I am looking forward to each event we attend.”

Daniel added: “When I gave my speech my main mission was to stand out and not just make a list of achievements as anyone can do that. I want to be mature and responsible and a good role model overall.”

Geoff left Priory 50 years ago and went onto work in management at Marks and Spencers and then setting up his own consultancy business working with the NHS.

“It doesn’t feel like 50 years ago,” said Geoff. “I was excited to come back and meet the new senior prefects, to have a chat and share our thoughts and views of the roles.

“I don’t think the role has actually changed that much. You still need the same skills to be a Head Prefect and this role will help develop their leadership and team building skills which are so important today on top of academic work.

“They all deserve a big pat on the back.”

The Head Prefect team's first task will begin next Thursday evening when, alongside Mr Eastham, they will welcome prospective families for the school's Open Evening. 

Further information about the Open Evening can be found at>> https://www.priory.lancs.sch.uk/about-priory/open-evening


Tags: Alumni Year 11 Personal Development