14 February 2020

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Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits.

This week we interviewed Year 7 pupil, Henry.

Year 7 Henry either wants to be a Police Officer or work in an animal shelter when he grows up.

Henry admits, at home, he spends his time between reading and his pets.

“I have a cat called Lily, cats are my favourite animals, and I have Billy the rabbit. I look after them and I do love animals.

“I would also like to help people so that’s why I am thinking about becoming a Police Officer.”

Henry is reading ‘The Brilliant World of Tom Gates’ by Liz Pichon.

“He lives a normal life and goes to school so I can relate to it. Sometimes it’s funny.

“I also like murder mystery books like Young Sherlock Holmes as I try and work out what’s happening.”

Henry’s hobbies also include basketball. “I like playing at school and am hoping to get into the school team.”