Year 7 in a buzz about books
4 May 2021
Pupils are getting a buzz out of books after Priory signed up for Bookbuzz.
Bookbuzz, from the BookTrust, is a national reading programme aimed at 11-13 year-olds.
Every year Bookbuzz offers 17 new book titles to get pupils excited about reading – each pupil selects the book they want to read and keep.
English teacher Mrs Elliott said: “We pitch ourselves as a reading school. Bookbuzz is a scheme from the Book Trust and Priory pays for the books.
“We get a list and the pupils watch a short video from the author who talks about their book and then the pupils choose which book they want.
“It’s so exciting to see the faces of the pupils when they receive their new book and they suddenly go silent reading them! We also have discussions about the books so it encourages reading.”
Here are Year 7 pupils Olivia T, James S and Oliver E reading 'Check Mates', 'The Haven' and 'Some Places More Than Others' respectively - they're smiling behind those masks, honestly!
To find out about the 17 books on offer, read their blurbs and meet the author, go to>>
Tags: English