Christmas codebreaking competition
13 December 2021
The Computing Department's inter-house competition has been launched this week
Do we have any Alan Turings in the making? Maybe you're a young super-sleuth, have ambitions to be the next James Bond and dream of being signed up by MI6. Well, here's your chance to prove your skills whilst exercising your grey matter.
Head of ICT & Computing, Mrs Qadri, has posted a code- breaking challenge sheet on the year group Teams as well as Computing class groups. If you want a printed copy, then pop down to the Hex to pick one up.
Figure out the Morse Code, test yourself with the Caesar and PigPen ciphers, and then create your own code breaker - don't forget to include your solution too!
Send your entries to Mrs Qadri by Weds, 15 December either by Teams, on paper or by emailing
There are Amazon vouchers for the three winners and all entrants will receive achievement points.
What is
a PigPen cipher?
The PigPen cipher is a geometric substitution cipher, which exchanges letters for symbols which are fragments of a grid.
The Freemasons have long used ciphers to encrypt their ceremonies and messages. The PigPen, which is also known as the Masonic Cipher, you could say has some passing resemblance to pig pens.
Tags: Computer Science Inter House