News: Inter House
Pupils celebrate Pancake Day with some flipping Fun
This ‘just for fun’ event challenged participants to score as many flips as they could in 30 seconds.
End of term Christmas entertainers
Three courageous pupils sang solo in front of the whole school as we gathered together for the end of term assembly.
Priory's Houses are challenged to a game of paper golf
Players had to throw their paper balls into their targets with the fewest number of shots.
Water fun for inter house challenge
There was fun on the yard at lunchtime as pupils gathered to watch an Inter-House game of water antics.
Four house 'Connect' for games challenge
Mrs Massey challenged players to a game of Connect 4 for the latest 'just for fun' House event
House of fun for pancake day
Tuesday, 13 February is Pancake Day however, as it's during half term week, Mr Raynor started the annual pancake tossing competition early.
A game changer for health food House challenge
Following on from the Healthy Eating focus in Learning for Life sessions, we ran a 'The Sprout Relay' House competition.
Dinner is served - Priory Style!
Priory well and truly got into the festive spirit last Wednesday when Christmas jumper day was matched with Christmas lunch.
Impressive collection for Penwortham Food Bank
Again, there was another impressive amount of donations for the Penwortham Food Bank.
House competition: Shoot the hoops
The 'just for fun' event took place in the sports hall where pupils where challenged to shoot the hoops.
Cards for Kindness
Your House needs you to spread a little kindness and make someone feel good today.
Houses are challenged to a game of paper golf
During Wednesday lunchtime the four Houses went head to head once again.
Blindfold relay house competition
The second lunchtime House event took place in the sports hall.
Food bank collections and house competition results
A big thank you to all staff and pupils who contributed to last half term's collection - it was the biggest collection we have had for a long time!
Inter House Cross Country
The PE & Sport Department commandeered last week for pupils' annual sprint through the Priory woods for the school's Cross Country event.
Fun with inter-house water relay
There was fun on the yard at lunchtime last Friday as pupils gathered to watch an Inter-House game of water antics.
Flipping fun on pancake day
Priory pupils certainly knew how to have flipping fun when Pancake Day came along yesterday.
Inter-house quiz 2022
It's been a few years since we last had our traditional end of year inter-house competition.
Christmas codebreaking competition
The Computing Department's inter-house competition has been launched this week