11 October 2024

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It’s gone so fast as our Year 7s have almost completed a half-term at Priory – and they love it!

We spoke to a selection of Year 7s who told us their favourite lessons, how high school is different to primary school and what they think of Priory so far. 

Eva, from Cop Lane Primary School, said: “I absolutely love it! I love PE – I do dance out of school. I do need to concentrate moving around but I enjoy that and I like having different teachers every lesson.”  Lois, from Kingsfold Primary School, said: “I have enjoyed it. My favourite lessons are Art and PE. Priory is bigger and you have to find your way but I managed that in a week. I have made lots of friends!”

Zach, from Middleforth, said: “My favourite subjects are PE and Computing. The teachers are really nice. I enjoy walking between lessons and I have made some good friends.”  Poojan, who attended Broad Oak, added: “I like PE, Maths, English and Creative Arts. I am enjoying Priory, I am enjoying most of the lessons.”

Head of Year 7, Mrs Farley said: “They're proving to be a brilliant year group; they've gelled really well. We've had pupils from our main feeder schools but there are also children who came on their own, not knowing anyone at all and it's particularly nice to see how well they are settling in and making such good friends.  They're really taking advantage of all the extra-curricular clubs too.

“It can be quite overwhelming starting a new, bigger school with so many responsibilities but they're handling themselves brilliantly. I'm really proud of them!”

Tags: Transition Year 7 Admissions