12 November 2024

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Pedro joined Priory quite some time ago now and is looked after by our Lead Practitioner for Personal Development, Ms Smith.  Pedro can be elusive at times but he did find the time to sit down with Ms Smith for this short interview.

How did you get involved with Priory?

I was spotted on sale at an auction site and Priory snapped me up and gave me a job and a snazzy gym vest which I love!   

I attended Penwortham Gala and some House events.  However, during the pandemic, I sneaked into the background and did get forgotten about – until I was found hiding at the back of the school hall and now I am back!

What qualifications do you need?

I guess you have to be quackers! You also have to be friendly, cuddly and full of energy.  On a serious side, I have to have a chaperone so I don’t trip up or am greeted too overly enthusiastically by the young people. The chaperone also needs to check if I need water or a break!

What are your roles?

First of all, I needed to find a human and, after attending an event at the Year 10 and 11 Bistro, there were a few pupils (who shall not be named!) who volunteered. A bit like Top Gear’s Stig no names can be revealed and, as I don’t talk when I'm working, I will remain a mystery! 

I attend all House events which are at lunch-time so learning continues as normal. I can be spotted on Sports Day and I am also keen to join in with the party dances as I have some good moves. On special occasions, I have been known to attend presentations in assembly. I am wherever I am needed to represent Priory with pride!

Do You Want To Be Pedro's Human?

We are looking for another human to carry out Pedro's activities. If anyone would like to become Pedro, please see Ms Smith.

Tags: Extra Curricular Inter House