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Blindfold relay house competition
The second lunchtime House event took place in the sports hall.
Reese, Maya and Emma: I love Maths because...
The Maths Department ran a competition asking pupils to say what they particularly enjoy about the subject. Here's why Year 8 Reese and Maya, and Year 10 Emma love Maths:
Eco Club Round Up
The Eco Committee has had a productive start to the new school year.
Food bank collections and house competition results
A big thank you to all staff and pupils who contributed to last half term's collection - it was the biggest collection we have had for a long time!
Year 7 are ready for the roads with Level 3 Bikeability
The advance course equips pupils with the skills needed to stay safe in more challenging urban situations.
Mrs Simpson's Long Service Award Takes Her Back To Former Pupil
Mrs Simpson was bowled over by her long service award – as it was a necklace made in the design of a bowler hat - which was made by a former Priory pupil.
Blooming winners at North West Britain in Bloom Awards
Not one, but two awards were won by Penwortham Priory Academy at the North West Britain in Bloom Awards.
Mr Farron's Compost Corner - Autumn Update 2023
Priory’s gardens are our pride and joy and award-winning gardener Mr Farron wants to let parents and pupils know what to expect each month as the landscape changes. Here's what's going on in Autumn.
Louis is beating his drums with success
The Year 10 pupil has been playing the drums for around four or five years and has passed his Grade 4 exams.
Emma is Hungary for dance
Year 10 Emma came to England two years ago from Hungary and wore her traditional dress to perform her dance to the whole school.
Year 7 meet author Ruth Eastham
Ruth is sister of Principal Mr Eastham and is a multi-award winning author of five books. She visited Priory to inspire Year 7 to be the next generation of writers.