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Year 9 Discover Languages At Work
Year 9 pupils learnt how a foreign language could be vital to their careers in a successful ‘Make Languages Work’ event held at Priory.
Year 11 football fanatics set their sights on publishing their Premier League dream
Two Priory pupils are documenting following Preston North End home and away as they hope the season ends with a Premier League place.
Our gardens are double award winners
Priory’s fantastic gardens were once again recognised as a blooming success!
Year 9 pupil's bid for the community becomes a reality
Year 9 Taejuan has helped the Foxton Youth & Community Centre win a £2.2m funding bid.
South Ribble Cross Country Championships 2023
It is safe to say the theme of this year's championships was muddy!
Year 10 & 11 girls football tournament
Priory's Year 10/11 team was raring to go with five games ahead of them.
Phoebe and Ezra: I love Maths because...
The Maths Department ran a competition asking pupils to say what they particularly enjoy about the subject. Here's why Year 9 Phoebe and Ezra love Maths:
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Zach
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Zach...
Year 11 through to the next round of the Lancashire Cup
Priory’s Year 11 football team continued their impressive run in the Lancashire U16 Cup and are into Round 3.
Year 7 become district champions
Monday night saw Priory host the district 7-a-side football tournament for Year 7s.
It's almost showtime at Priory
It will all be about fashion, beauty and a Harvard Law Degree when the Priory cast take to the stage for the production of Legally Blonde!