10 January 2019

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Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils lately and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits.

This week we interviewed Year 8 pupil, Bailey.

Bailey loves English and wants to pursue a career in songwriting.

“I am currently reading the Earthsea Cycle Series by Urusula K. Le Guin,” said Bailey, who is on the Accelerated Reader Programme which started at Priory in August.

“It’s four books altogether. I am only 100 pages into it but I am enjoying it.  They are about magic, a wizard.

“I like these kind of fantasy books but I also like adventure and mystery.

“I can’t say I have a favourite author, I just enjoy reading and English is my favourite subject.

“I am hoping by the time I finish the Earthsea Series I will have read one million words – I am on around 900,000 at the moment. Hopefully I will reach that around Easter.”

In his spare time, Bailey can be found putting pen to paper, writing lyrics.

“I love writing songs, it’s a nice thing to do and it helps me focus. I have written about 60 songs about whatever is in my head and I have them in a book.

“I don’t know what I will do with them. My dad’s friend is in the music industry, he is big in country music and is currently in America so my dad has suggested showing my songs to him to get his opinion.

“I want to make it in the music world, I know it’s tough but it’s about perseverance and I am determined to keep trying. I will do my best!”