7 November 2022

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As we head towards our 70th anniversary celebrations, next Friday the school will take part in a sponsored walk to raise funds to develop the Assembly Hall and stage. 

All pupils have been given a sponsor sheet before the half term break and we encourage everyone to get involved and help us hit our first target of £8000. The Assembly Hall needs considerable work especially on the stage, lighting and a sound system and the legacy of this event will be greatly appreciated for many years to come.

Arrangements on the day

All pupils will be completing the walk with their Learning for Life group on Friday, 11 November, regardless of sponsorship.  The walk is a five mile circuit.

Pupils need to come to school in their PE kit. They will need to wear walking boots or old trainers as the ground may be soft and wet (pupils may bring a change of footwear for when they get back to school).

Pupils should bring a small rucksack to carry their refreshments and juice/water bottle for hydration. 

Pupils should wear a warm waterproof coat plus hat if they wish. A sweatshirt/hoody can be worn under their coat but must be stored in lockers during lessons.

All years will have a short extension to lunchtime as there will not be a break. 

Details of the route and timings, including assembly areas will be announced next week.

Sponsorship Forms and Collections

Pupils should hand in their sponsorship sheet by Wednesday, 9 November no matter how much is completed.  These can be given to Learning for Life teachers.

What's the fundraising for?

All funds raised will be put towards the refurbishment and development of our Assembly Hall.  With a modern lighting and sound system, the range of school and community uses will increase significantly. The school has already invested in upgrading the hall which is one of the few original buildings from when the school opened in 1953. We aim to create a long lasting legacy for our pupils and for the local community in they live. 

Your support is truly valued - thanks for your continued help. 

Mr Watters
Lead Teacher of Geography
Event Organiser

Tags: Geography Fundraising Personal Development