News: Fundraising
Bake sale thank yous
Monday’s bake sale raised an incredible £77.60 and was a sell-out success!
Priory raises over £1000 for local hospice
Ms Smith praised the generous Priory community who have donated more than £1,000 to Derian House.
End of term Christmas entertainers
Three courageous pupils sang solo in front of the whole school as we gathered together for the end of term assembly.
Dinner is served - Christmas style!
Priory well and truly got into the festive spirit when Christmas jumper day clashed with Christmas lunch.
Christmas Jumper Day Thank You
Thank you to everyone who leapt at the chance to show off their Christmas jumpers in aid of Derian House Children's Hospice.
A good hair day for Matilda
Year 7 Matilda has had 12" of her hair cut off to raise money for charity by donating her plaits to the Little Princess Trust.
Eco Club table top sale success for Derian House
Eco Club came up with the idea of having a festive sale, selling pre-loved treasures and new items to raise funds for a local charity.
Pupils return to Neverland for community production of Peter Pan
Three of Priory’s pupils will be flying high and helping to raise money for charity in a community production of Peter Pan.
Year 10 & Community Use Toilet Facilities Project
Since Priory took over the running of its out of school hours hire there has been a need to provide better toilet facilities for pupils and community users of the school’s football and cricket facilities.
Year 7 Halloween Charity Bake Off
Year 7 School Council has organised its first baking competition and sale with a spooky Halloween twist!
In memory of: Adam Bodi (Class of 2024)
A water hand pump has been installed in a deprived area of Pakistan in memory of former pupil Adam Bodi.
ECO Club Organise Community Table Top Sale
A big event they are currently working on is a tabletop sale on Saturday, 9th November in the Sports Hall from 1.30-3.30pm.
Well done Mr Owen
Mr Owen has run his first ever half marathon and managed to raise a fantastic sum for charity in doing so.
Priory's gardens welcome a special creature in the name of charity
Priory’s award-winning gardens have a new addition – an expertly carved heron!
Kacper bakes to support home country's flood disaster fund
Kacper made his own cakes to sell and raise money for the Polish Red Cross.
European Day of Languages 2024
Year 7 went off-timetable to celebrate the European Day of Languages, an important day where we highlight the importance of learning a language across Europe.
All the fun at the 'book' fair
On Thursday we took a trip down to the library to see what was happening at the book fair.
Bake on for the Prom
Already thinking ahead to their big event next summer, the prefects organised a bake sale to raise money towards their Prom.
Culture Day 2024 - An occasion for all
Culture Day was a colourful, successful and informative day!
Easter bingo event brings great fun and fundraising to Priory
Year 7 and Year 8 families, along with staff members, gathered for an Easter bingo fundraising event that proved to be a spectacular success.
Pupils are having a laugh at Comic Relief bake off
The challenge was to impress the judges with your baking skills whilst raising money for Comic Relief with the bake sale that followed.
Easter bingo - 27 March
We invite Year 7 and Year 8 pupils and their families to join us for a cracking evening of bingo fun on Wednesday, 27 March.
Priory holds fundraising events for local hospice
Generous Priory pupils raised over £500 for St Catherine’s Hospice – and got to wear their favourite clothes in school!
Music department receives a double dose of donations
Lead Teacher for Music, Mr Taylor, says the addition of a double bass, donated to Priory, has and will continue to enhance his lessons.
Lancashire FA Supports Grassroots Improvements at Priory
Lancashire Football Association visited Priory to see how the recent funding awarded to us had impacted on the school and the local community.
Priory raises money to support local special needs centre
Learning Support Assistant Mrs Whalley has raised £150 for a cause close to Priory, the Space Centre.
Let them eat cake - all for a good cause!
Thanks to the generous donations from pupils, parents and staff, the whole school got to enjoy some gorgeous treats whilst raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Support.
70th Anniversary Sponsored Walk
Pupils set off for a 6K trek around Penwortham, taking in a stroll along the River Ribble. It was a great atmosphere and we received many compliments from the public on the conduct of our pupils.
A picnic at Priory
Friday, 30 June was the date set in the calendar for a whole school 70th Anniversary celebration picnic and sponsored walk - but it wasn't to be.
A tiny robot that makes a big difference to the estates team
Whilst the purchase of a robot line marker following a successful bid application doesn't sound that interesting, it's actually a great boost to our school and our community.
Priory pupils are Reading for Good
Priory pupils raised an amazing £200 at their week-long Readathon to raise money for books for children in hospitals.
Easter bingo - a cracking hit
All eyes were looking down for a fabulous evening of fun on Wednesday as we opened our doors for Easter bingo.
The English department are Reading for Good
Priory pupils will have their noses in their books as part of the school’s sponsored Readathon.
Easter bingo - 29 March
We invite Year 7 pupils and their families to join us for a cracking evening of bingo fun on Wednesday, 29 March.
70th anniversary raffle prize draw
What a joy it was to have two former pupils from Class of 1953 join us for our 70th anniversary draw.
Sponsored Walk - Postponed
It is with great regret that we are forced to postpone our 70th Anniversary Sponsored Walk which was scheduled to take place on Fri, 11 November.
Whole school sponsored walk
As we head towards our 70th anniversary celebrations, on Friday 11 November, the school will take part in a sponsored walk to raise funds to develop the Assembly Hall and stage.
Priory's Ukraine fundraising day
Just before we finished for half term we turned the school blue and yellow in support of families in Ukraine and here we have the lowdown of the day’s success.
We've launched a lottery
We are excited to tell you that Penwortham Priory Academy has launched a school lottery.
Tree planted in memory of former teacher
A tree has been planted in the Priory garden in memory of former teacher, Jean Wragg.
You've been amazing
The book fair left Priory on Tuesday and during the five days it was with us we sold over £480 worth of books to pupils - the BEST YEAR EVER!
Learning for Life - Scarlett's story
Recently, two of our pupils have approached us wanting to raise awareness of a medical condition that affects their every day lives. This week with met with Year 9 pupil, Scarlett.
A message from the Head - Fundraising at Priory
A word of thanks to those of you who have contacted us, asking whether you are able to support the school
In memory of Mrs Wragg - Strive for the highest
Penwortham Priory Academy will introduce the Jean Wragg ‘Strive for the Highest’ award in memory of former English teacher and Head of Year who died recently.
Read for Good - the final story
Priory enjoyed a Read for Good Readathon before half-term and raised a staggering £1,000 for the charity.