7 July 2024

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This week we welcomed our new intake of pupils and their parents as they began their journey at Priory.

Tuesday evening's event was an opportunity for us to get to know our new families and for them to pick up essential information about uniform, transport etc and ask questions about the transition from primary school. Mr Eastham presented to parents in the Assembly Hall and he introduced key staff, policies and set expectations.

Meanwhile, Mrs Bullock who is standing in for Head of Year 7, Mrs Farley, introduced  Priory's new intake to their future classmates in the Auditorio. Year 7 Dexter and Imogen spoke confidently to the group about their first year experiences before the children headed off to spend some time with their Form Tutors.

Then on Wednesday, our new pupils returned for their Induction Day. Pupils sampled lessons in English, Science and PE, navigated their way around and learnt more about their new school. Before all that, the full intake met in the Assembly Hall for 'getting to know you' activities and pupil bingo!  

This was also an opportunity for Mrs Bullock to reacquaint herself with the year group which she had previously met at their primary schools.  She said, "What a fantastic day we had. It was great to have everyone together for their Induction Day for their first full day at secondary school. To start there were a few nerves but I think by the time they had even finished their first lesson the majority felt a lot more comfortable. They were able to experience a lesson in Science, English and PE and also get familiar with the school site, which I know they enjoyed. It was great to see the excitement on their faces and I’m sure they will all settle well into their new surroundings in September, and of course we have Summer School before then which has been really well received and I know they are looking forward to!”

Prior to leaving at the end of their Induction Day, our Year 7 helpers took their younger peers on a tour, taking in the sites of our award-winning gardens, the Hex and the Technology block, sports facilities and everything in between.

Thank you to our Year 7 helpers and Year 10 ambassadors who supported both events - too many of you to name!

Parents who have registered their child for Summer School should have received our plans and arrangements for 19-21 August and these can also be found on our website at>> www.priory.lancs.sch.uk/about-priory/transition. Enquiries can be directed to Mrs Willis at a.willis@priory.lancs.sch.uk 

All parents should have received a 'first day arrangements' letter which can also be downloaded at www.priory.lancs.sch.uk/about-priory/transition. In the meantime we look forward to seeing all our new Year 7 pupils in school from Tuesday, 3 September. 

Tags: Transition Primaries