11 January 2025

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With such an iconic business like Leyland Trucks on our doorstep, we couldn't resist the opportunity and accept their invitation to take some of our Year 10 students on a visit to learn more about an automotive engineering business and the apprenticeships on offer for school leavers. 

The visit has become an annual event, and it provides an excellent opportunity for the students to visit a locally based, global automotive company who allowed us to see vehicle mass production first hand. 

We were lucky enough to be given a factory tour which followed the journey of a variety of DAF trucks from a collection of parts, through various assembly and finishing processes before a completed and roadworthy vehicle rolls off the production line. The company also gave the students an overview of the apprentice opportunities available for them beyond Year 11 within careers ranging from Design Engineering to Production Assembly.

Technology teacher, Mrs Lockwood, said, “This visit was a great experience for our students studying the NCFE Level 1 and Level 2 Engineering qualification to see a working factory first hand. Some of our pupils aspire to taking on an apprenticeship at Leyland Trucks in the future and have family connections to the factory which made the visit even more special.”

Leyland Trucks’ apprentice applications are due to open at the end of January for current Year 11 students to apply for positions to start in September 2025.


Leyland Trucks Visit Jan 25

Tags: Technology Careers Year 10