News: Year 10
Punching Above His Weight: Leevi’s Boxing Dreams
Year 10 Leevi is hoping to make it into big time boxing.
Year 10 pupils making their mark in junior football
There have been no red cards for two of our pupils who are Level 7 referees!
Priory bosses talk business with Year 10 enterprise pupils
PPA Facilites delivered an insightful presentation to Year 10 Business students.
Year 10 attend exam stress management assembly
The exam stress presentation gave useful tips, including anxiety management techniques.
Priory pupils get a glimpse of college life at engineering taster day
Year 10 engineering pupils attended a bespoke taster day of Engineering activities at Preston College.
Year 10 explore careers of the future at cyber skills event
Year 10 pupils were invited to attend the Cyber Skills and Careers Day at Cardinal Newman College.
Year 10 peer mentors equipped to help younger pupils
Our Year 10 Peer Mentors feel fully equipped to help the younger pupils at Priory after two-days informative training.
Year 10 Business & Enterprise pupils gain valuable support from Penwortham entrepreneurs
Penwortham's business owners provide a fantastic learning opportunity for Key Stage 4 Business & Enterprise pupils.
Year 10 Engineering pupils visit Leyland Trucks
Year 10 pupils learned about the automotive engineering business and the apprenticeships on offer for school leavers.
Year 10 pupils begin peer mentor course
The first cohort of Year 10 pupils began their first of two workshops to qualify as Peer Mentors.
Year 10 job application advice from the National Grid
The National Grid has delivered an assembly to Year 10 pupils about covering letters, CVs and interviews from the view of an employer.
Business & Enterprise pupils face ethical dilemma at Runshaw College
Year 10 Business & Enterprise pupils visited Runshaw College for a Business Ethics Challenge.
Kacper bakes to support home country's flood disaster fund
Kacper made his own cakes to sell and raise money for the Polish Red Cross.
Year 10 pupil invited to The Royal Institution
Emily was invited to the Royal Institution in London for a Masterclass celebration day.
Year 10 & Year 7 artists experience workshop with The Courtaulds
Pupils received an introduction to art history and art historical techniques plus a virtual tour of the exhibitions.
Exploring college life - Year 10 taster days
Year 10 students had the opportunity to visit local colleges as they started to plan their next steps after leaving Priory. Here’s a glimpse of what they got up to:
Year 10 learn about the dangers of driving too fast
Learning For Life day for Year 10 pupils was on the theme of Personal Safety and this included presentation by Wasted Lives.
Year 10 experience the world of work
Work experience for our Year 10 pupils proved invaluable as some have earned part-time jobs from it, all have gained vital skills and many have enhanced their future career prospects.
Year 10 pupil gains coveted place on an adventure of a lifetime
Emily will have the experience of a lifetime after successfully securing a coveted place to go to Malawi next year.
Year 10 receive careers support from National Grid
The National Grid came into school to talk to Year 10 pupils about covering letters, CVs and interviews from the view of an employer.
Year 10 head to the workshop for engineering qualification
Year 10 Engineering pupils have been hard at work in the workshop producing their own desktop storage designs from leftover wood.
Engineering the future for Year 10 pupils
Year 10 Engineering students explored a fantastic ‘hands-on’ learning experience at Preston College.
Year 10s introduced to volunteering
Priory welcomed Alison Coates of the Royal Voluntary Service to talk about the benefits of volunteering.
A great match for Year 10 girls football team
Mrs Bullock's player of the match went to Ruby for excellent communication and goalkeeping skills.
Year 10 girls smash Lancashire Cup first round
The girls showed great determination and resilience during the game and did Priory proud.
Key Stage 4 pupils visit Leyland Trucks for careers day
Pupils enjoyed a factory tour and received an overview of apprentice opportunities available at the company.
Second cohort of Year 10 qualify as peer mentors
The start of the new term has seen the second cohort of Year 10 pupils undertake their ASDAN short course to qualify as Peer Mentors.
Owzat for U15s cricket team finishing in second place
The U15s girls cricket team competed in the South Ribble indoor cricket tournament at the South Ribble Tennis Centre.
Year 10 pupils qualify as peer mentors
The first cohort of Year 10 pupils have undertook their ASDAN short course to qualify as Peer Mentors.
A Christmas designed for Priory
Priory’s perfect Christmas Card design this year belongs to Year 10 Tilly who is keeping it in the family!
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Anthony
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Anthony...
Louis is beating his drums with success
The Year 10 pupil has been playing the drums for around four or five years and has passed his Grade 4 exams.
Emma is Hungary for dance
Year 10 Emma came to England two years ago from Hungary and wore her traditional dress to perform her dance to the whole school.
Louis is beating his drums to success
Year 10 Louis has been playing the drums for around four or five years and has passed his Grade 4 exams.
Duke of Edinburgh Award at Priory
Humanities teacher Mrs Cauchi will lead the Duke of Edinburgh scheme in Priory now Mr Watters has retired.
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Ebony
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Ebony...
Key Stage 4 pupils meet the Army at careers day
A group of Year 10 & 11 pupils had the opportunity to attend a ‘Meet the Army Day’ at Holcombe Moor Training Camp, Bury.
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Jolie
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Jolie...
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Kira
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Kira...
Mrs Elliott's cool reader's club - Ebony
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Ebony...
Year 10 pupil takes a supporting role in sustainability event
Year 10 Henry has proved a perfect leader at the Sustainability Learning Conference held at Blackburn Rovers Football Club.
Priory pupils crack their way to win at LUSoM's Cyber Day
The Year 10 GCSE Computer Science took first plan in a cyber themed workshop/escape room event at Lancaster University School of Mathematics.
Priory's Anne Frank Trust ambassador meets Holocaust survivor
Priory pupil Jessica listened to the moving story of Holocaust survivor Anne Super as part of her Anne Frank Trust Ambassador role.
Year 10 Grace takes to the stage
Grace will take to the stage with one of the lead role's as Lucy in St James' Players production of the CS Lewis classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.'
Year 10 Olivia is running for nana in aid of cancer charity
Olivia will have her two 'nanas' in her mind when she competes in the Preston Pretty Muddy 5k in June.
Year 10 pupil is engineering his own future
A Year 10 pupil has used his engineering knowledge to build a trike from scratch.
Year 10 experience the world of work
Priory’s Year 10 pupils have been finding out if their work experience could turn into their careers of the future!
Year 10 are building bridges in Engineering
During their Level 2 Engineering course, Year 10 pupils experience a range of mini-practicals, which run alongside the theory content of the NCFE qualification.
Pupils Speak Out at Regional Competition
Three Priory Year 10 pupils will take to the stage as part of an annual Rotary Club Speaking Competition.
Katie rises through the RAF ranks
Well done to our Year 10 pupil Katie who has risen through the ranks to become a Corporal in the RAF Air Cadets.
Year 10 pupils' world at work
Priory’s Year 10 pupils proved so popular in their work experience roles that many employers extended their stays.
Year 10 Has Taekwondo Olympic Ambition
Year 10 Dylan has collect the coveted 3rd Dan grading at the GB Taekwondo Training Centre in Manchester.
English Literature set text
In the new academic year, Year 10 pupils will study Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
LUSoM deliver lesson to top set Maths
Students in Year 10 had an opportunity to try advanced mathematics when LUSoM visited to deliver a lesson.
Year 10 Rounders Tournament at Priory
This was the second rounders tournament of the season, with five South Ribble Teams attending the Year 10 event held here at Priory.
Prefect Applications Now Open
It’s that time of year again when we ask Year 10 pupils to consider applying for senior places at Penwortham Priory Academy.
Scarlett promotes deaf awareness with charity fundraiser success
Year 10 Scarlett has raised almost £90 in her school raffle and Year 9, Favour was the lucky winner of a giant Toblerone.
Our very own rising star: Aimee
Year 10 Aimee has been working hard to get into the performing arts industry and has finally made her break.
Hats off to BTEC Performing Arts pupils
Students have been completing Component 3 in BTEC Performing Arts and a number of students have been taking up the opportunity to become designers.
Drama pupils put a stage in a box
Year 10 Performing Arts students were excited to get their hands on the Drama department's new resource.
Mothers' Day Cookery Club
Mrs Cowell invited Year 9 & 10 pupils to join her for a Creative Cookery workshop where they baked cakes for Mother's Day.
Year 10 Languages class get a taste of royalty in Food Tech
Year 10 have been baking 'Galette des Rois' as they begin their next topic of Festivals and Celebrations as part of their GCSE French course.
GCSE PE & Sport head to Edge Hill University
This week, Priory's PE pupils were invited to a sports event at Edge Hill University.
Year 10 get thinking about RE
Mrs Ham is getting pupils to think in her GCSE Religious Education classes.
Through the key hole... Year 10 Languages
This week in French, Year 10 discussed the positive and negatives of the internet.
Science classes turn green!
Miss Nouraghaeii's Year 8 and 10 science classes have become Supersized Climate Heroes and have been awarded a Blue Peter Climate Heroes green badge!
Full STEM ahead for Priory's girls
CSI came to Priory as the pupils designed a photofit and admitted it was tricky even with it being someone they knew!
Maths is everywhere
Year 10 pupils attend 'Maths All Around Us' presentation on Applied Maths and Core Maths A-Level.
All in good time for Year 10 runner Ben
Athlete Ben has used lockdown to improve his running skills.
Welcome back to the English department, Year 10
We have been delighted to welcome our Year 10 cohort into their new bubble area which includes the English department.