16 October 2023
Image of What's the music this week? W/c 16 October

What's the music this week? W/c 16 October

This week it's all about... European Classical Tradition

16 October 2023
Image of Lancashire FA Supports Grassroots Improvements at Priory

Lancashire FA Supports Grassroots Improvements at Priory

Lancashire Football Association visited Priory to see how the recent funding awarded to us had impacted on the school and the local community. 

16 October 2023
Image of Priory raises money to support local special needs centre

Priory raises money to support local special needs centre

Learning Support Assistant Mrs Whalley has raised £150 for a cause close to Priory, the Space Centre. 

12 October 2023
Image of Year 8 Creative Cookery - British Egg Week

Year 8 Creative Cookery - British Egg Week

A small but enthusiastic group joined Mrs Cowell in the kitchen on Wednesday after school to celebrate British Egg Week by making egg fried rice. 

12 October 2023
Image of Year 11 wander through the history of healthcare

Year 11 wander through the history of healthcare

Priory's Year 11 historians embarked on a journey into the past by visiting Thackray Medical Museum.

11 October 2023
Image of Pupil volunteering opportunities at Priory

Pupil volunteering opportunities at Priory

Volunteering to help staff in school regularly is classed as work experience and can be particularly beneficial for pupils who are not yet old enough for paid work.

10 October 2023
Image of Christmas comes early at Textiles Club

Christmas comes early at Textiles Club

Pupils are free to choose their own projects in Textiles Club and these three Year 9 girls were thinking ahead

9 October 2023
Image of What's the music this week? W/c 9 October

What's the music this week? W/c 9 October

This week it's all about... the 1950s

6 October 2023
Image of From Primary to Priory - Broad Oak and Cop Lane Primaries

From Primary to Priory - Broad Oak and Cop Lane Primaries

We invited Broad Oak Primary School and Cop Lane Primary School pupils to experience a day at Priory.

5 October 2023
Image of Inter House Cross Country

Inter House Cross Country

The PE & Sport Department commandeered last week for pupils' annual sprint through the Priory woods for the school's Cross Country event.  

4 October 2023
Image of Year 7 pupil storms ahead in the BMX World

Year 7 pupil storms ahead in the BMX World

Year 7 Freddie is currently taking the BMX biking world by storm as National and British champion. 

4 October 2023
Image of Duke of Edinburgh Award at Priory

Duke of Edinburgh Award at Priory

Humanities teacher Mrs Cauchi will lead the Duke of Edinburgh scheme in Priory now Mr Watters has retired.