Latest News
Sports hall refurbishment
Phase 3 of the sport hall refurbishment is almost complete.
Leon becomes quizmaster for fact fundraiser
Pupils had fun in their Learning for Life session yesterday as they pledged to support Year 8 Leon with his fundraising.
Year 7 castle competition
A few weeks back, Year 7 pupils were set a challenge to build their own Motte and Bailey Castle with whatever resources they could get their hands on at home.
Sports hall refurbishment
Phase 2 will be new flooring which started on Tuesday and is expected to take around three weeks.
PE at Christmas
Priory's Year 7 girls would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas!
Reverse advent calendar donations
There was food, winter woollies, children's toys and Christmas chocolate treats a plenty - we were astounded by your support! Thank you to everyone who has donated to the appeal.
Year 7 speak out at competition
Year 7 have been working hard to write and deliver a speech on a topic that’s important to them.
Important information about return to school in January
A update has been emailed to parents regarding changes to the return to school in January. Please take the time to read this.
Year 11 Blood Brothers online workshop
The Blood Brothers workshop was wonderful. The actors talked with such knowledge and passion about the characters and Russell's inspiration for writing the play.
Christmas fun in Food Technology class
Year 9 have been making peppermint creams in class this week as a fun end of term activity.
There's no stopping Year 8 Leon
The Year 8 young carer is in the midst of fundraising for Handicapped Children's Action Group (HCAG), a charity that has recently supported his brother.
Alumni - Louise Hawkins (Class of 2010)
Whilst at Priory, Louise took part in an experimental education programme and recently her mum got in touch to update us with how things have turned out since she left us a decade ago.