Just Giving
Just Giving
Just Giving is the world’s leading online fundraising platform, helping charitable projects to make more with Gift Aid. Priory’s Just Giving fundraising page enables us to collect sponsorship in a fast and easy way.
JustGiving allows our supporters to donate any financial amount via their site with a credit or debit card. Regular monthly donations can also be set up via their direct debit collection.
You can make a contribution by going to www.justgiving.com/penworthampriory
Gift Aid: When you donate, you’ll be asked to confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer. If you are, it means we can collect a 25% of your donation as Gift Aid. Please note that Gift Aid can only be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount reclaimed on their donations in the current tax year. More information can be found at https://help.justgiving.com/hc/en-us/articles/200670391-A-guide-to-Gift-Aid-UK-only-
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