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Priory pupils become better cyclists
On Tuesday a group of our pupils took up the opportunity to make themselves better, safer cyclists.
Award pays tribute to former pupil
Head Girl Sasha was presented with the inaugural Sam Pegram Character and Culture Award.
A model start for year 7 science pupils
Over the summer, Year 7 pupils were tasked with challenges from the English, Maths and Science departments to prepare them for their high school years ahead.
Extra curricular club fayre
The extra-curricular clubs booklet is now available and gives a concise picture of Priory’s clubs and activities provision.
Back to school for class of 1989
30 years since they left Priory, Class of ‘89 went back in time for an afternoon of reminiscence.
Character and Culture - What's it all about?
Last year we embarked on introducing a new personal development curriculum for pupils, known as Character & Culture, which seeks to develop pupil's character attributes and foster a greater culture of kindness, respect and keeping each other safe.
Priory library reopens
After months in the planning, the Penwortham Priory Academy Library was officially reopened on Monday.
Priory’s award winning gardens means Mr Farron is snapped up as judge
Mr Farron is celebrating another blooming success for Penwortham Priory Academy – but next year he will be judging rather than showing!
Year 11 football team kick off with a 7-0 win
Priory’s Year 11 team commenced the South Ribble season with a comfortable win away to Brownedge St Mary’s.
Mrs Gidden's Cool Readers Club - Katie
Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils lately and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits. Before the end of the summer term we interviewed Katie, now in Year 8.
Meet your head prefects for 2019-20
Priory’s new Head Boy and Girl, along with their deputies, have big plans for their school year ahead.