Latest News
Mrs Gidden's cool reader's club - Harry
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Harry...
Alumni: Megan & Olivia Grant (Class of 2016)
Happy birthday to 22-year-old Penwortham Priory Academy twins whose birthday was 02-02-22.
Mrs Elliott's recommended read - February
Son of Slappy by R L Stein. Viewer, beware! You’re in for a scare! I loved this book, it’s an easy read but super fun and leaves you wanting more.
Freya and Phoebe: I love Maths because...
The Maths Department ran a competition asking Year 7 pupils to say what they particularly enjoy about the subject. Here's why Freya and Phoebe love Maths:
Languages department is buzzing about spelling
Year 7 pupils are extending their French vocabulary thanks to a Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Spelling Bee national competition.
What's the music this week? w/c 31 January
Bringing music to your ears at break and lunch. W/c 24 January is all about... The music of France
Year 7 cookery club celebrates Burns Night
Mrs Cowell proved that food is fun when she invited Year 7 pupils to join her for the Burn's Night-themed Cookery Club.
Headteacher's Log - 28 January 1953
History teacher Mr Eccles has revelled in the daily journals to find 'picks' which we will find amusing to read today. How things have changed!
Full STEAM ahead for careers fair
This morning pupils were invited to meet local colleges, universities and employers at our careers event to discuss post-16 options in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths (STEAM).
Priory's next production is Game Over
GAME OVER is an utterly compelling piece of verbatim theatre with significant contemporary messages to deliver.
Mrs Gidden's cool reader's club - Jessica
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Jessica...
Oliver is making his mark as a squash player
Last week we met up with five of our sporting stars whose dedication and hard slog is getting the results they deserve. Here's Oliver's story..