Latest News
Game Over - What's it about?
A hard-hitting piece of Verbatim Theatre. Where real lives are seen, real words are spoken, and real lives changed.
GCSE PE & Sport head to Edge Hill University
This week, Priory's PE pupils were invited to a sports event at Edge Hill University.
World Book Day - 3 March
We've got loads going on around school to celebrate this year's World Book Day - from our usual book-themed quizzes and activities, to decorating classroom doors as book covers and dressing up.
Miss Ackers' Recommended Read - March
Stardust by Neil Gaiman. This book was brilliant, one of the best stories I’ve read for years and Neil Gaiman’s writing was able to paint such a glorious picture in my head.
Debate Club has its way with words
Debate Club meets every Wednesday in the Humanities Department and their discussions are making their mark across the school.
Through the key hole... Year 8 Languages
This week in French, Year 8 have been learning about directions.
Priory footballer leads Lancashire into the finals
Year 11 pupil, Jazmin, has led the Under 16s Lancashire County Schools FA girls team into the national finals.
Library book amnesty
Please could pupils return any overdue library books. We have hundreds of books out in circulation and we really need them back!
What's the music this week? w/c 28 February
Bringing music to your ears at break and lunch. W/c 28 February is all about... Our Songs - Staff
Mrs Gidden's cool reader's club - Leon
These are our reading stars put forward by their English teacher. We interview them about their current book, what they like reading and what they like to do when they’re not reading. Introducing Leon.