Latest News
The Daniel Appleby Friendship Award
The parents of Daniel Appleby, who sadly passed away last year, have dedicated an award to Priory in his memory.
Shoe box appeal
Mr Watters’ H7 progress group, along with pupils working towards their PixL Edge awards, have contributed to The Samaritan’s Operation Christmas Child campaign.
Priory brings History from the past into the future
History came to life for Year 8 Priory pupils as they got the chance to hold a real 17th Century cannonball and don clothes from the English Civil War.
South Ribble cross country championships
Priory was invited to take part in the South Ribble Schools annual cross country championships last Sat, 6 October at Hutton Grammar School.
Attendance - why it matters!
Regular attendance at school is the single most important factor in a child/children making appropriate progress and achieving success.
Brothers are hoping to take the BMX world by storm
Brothers Dillon and Zach are hoping to take the BMX world by storm.
Colin has science paper published
Multi-talented Penwortham Priory Academy pupil has had his work published in ‘The Young Scientist.’
The Hex is officially opened
A pioneering former Penwortham Priory Academy student opened their new £1.4m purpose-built ICT & Computer Science building this week.
From primary to Priory at Open Evening
Our doors opened last night to hundreds of children and their families as they began their search for a secondary school.
MacMillan's coffee morning - let them eat cake!
When break-time arrived this morning pupils quickly picked up their bags to dash over to the Technology Block. There was cake and juice to be had!
Back of the net for Jazmin
Priory pupil, Jazmin came through tough trials to be selected for the Girls Under 14s District Lancashire schools football team.
Meet Priory's new head prefects
Priory’s new senior prefects are now ready for their duties.