Latest News
Pupils take their Next Steps at careers event
Our first annual careers event at Penwortham Priory Academy was a great success.” said Mr Ficorilli, Priory’s independent careers adviser.
Geography Pupils Learn Whilst Messing About on the River!
Postponed from last month due to the wet and cold weather, the Year 9 and 10 Geography pupils finally got to go on their field trip on what was, in contrast, one of the hottest days of the year so far!
Priory wins bid to for kitchen refit
The catering team is cooking on gas after successful bid for kitchen refit.
New family enrol at Priory
Mrs Duck and her brood of 12 ducklings arrived on Monday after hearing about our excellent facilities from previous feathered visitors.
Alumni - Astrophysicist Claire becomes a bit of a star!
A former Penwortham Priory student is spearheading a pioneering project to track and save endangered animals.
Meet Mrs Farley - The Primary Face of Priory
Most pupils have already met Mrs Farley even before they begin their school years at Priory.
Northern pub helps set the scene for Drama exam
Year 11 Drama pupils have made headway into the exam season this week as they underwent their practical exam.
Medical marvel's day at Runshaw
Pupils with a passion for a career in medicine were invited to Runshaw College to learn more about working in the sector.
New IT block on the way up
Despite the atrocious weather over the past few weeks, the building of Priory’s new IT Suite continues to make good progress.
Priory's young engineers attend robotics regional finals
Pupils from Priory’s Lego Club were invited to attend BAE Systems on Wednesday after they had reached the regional finals of the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge.
We are full!
Penwortham Priory Academy is expanding again as the school is once more full for Year Sevens in the 2018/9 school year.
James has the write words for story competition
Penwortham Priory Academy student James Mumford hopes his writing skills will take him to the top of a national competition.