9 July 2018
Image of Kitchen refurbishment and dining facilities w/c 16 July

Kitchen refurbishment and dining facilities w/c 16 July

Earlier this year we were successful in obtaining funding to replace the school’s kitchen with modern new facilities.   This work is planned to take place during the summer break however, we are planning to bring the start date forward to reduce the risk of the project over-running and thereby avoiding greater disruption in September.

4 July 2018
Image of Welcome to our new pupils and parents

Welcome to our new pupils and parents

On Wednesday night we welcomed our new intake of pupils and their parents, with the children returning Thursday in their primary school uniforms for their full induction day.

2 July 2018
Image of Class of 2018 - The Prom

Class of 2018 - The Prom

The Year 11’s big night finally arrived when the pupils gathered one last time to celebrate their years at Penwortham Priory Academy in style

27 June 2018
Image of The day Priory went to Westminster

The day Priory went to Westminster

Four Year 9 Penwortham Priory Academy pupils were part of history as they attended the celebration of life for Professor Stephen Hawking at Westminster Abbey.

26 June 2018
Image of Physics olympics

Physics olympics

A team of four Year 9 Priory pupils were invited to compete against teams from schools across the Chorley and South Ribble area to see who would be this year’s Physics Olympics champions.

25 June 2018
Image of PSHEE Day - Wasted Lives Young Driver Education Programme

PSHEE Day - Wasted Lives Young Driver Education Programme

During PHSEE day, Wasted Lives UK talked to pupils about its road safety initiative targeting young drivers and their passengers.

25 June 2018
Image of Priory's physicist of the year

Priory's physicist of the year

Penwortham Priory student Emina has won her first award for physics – and hopes to win many more!

25 June 2018
Image of Year 9 football team bag the double!

Year 9 football team bag the double!

Penwortham Priory Academy’s Year 9 football team are double winners.

25 June 2018
Image of Girls into Engineering

Girls into Engineering

To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day on Monday, one of the largest training providers in Lancashire invited local schools to have a go in their workshops.

22 June 2018
Image of Education Awards 2018

Education Awards 2018

Penwortham Priory Academy awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in all categories entered.

18 June 2018
Image of So after five years we said goodbye to the Year 11s

So after five years we said goodbye to the Year 11s

There was plenty of emotion today as the Year 11 pupils enjoyed their last day at Priory.