PiXL Edge seeks to nurture self-assured and confident young people whilst supporting a well-rounded education.
PiXL Edge gives pupils the opportunity to develop key life attributes through targeted activities and challenges especially chosen for their formative qualities in character development as well as their desirability by employers.  PiXL can help pupils to discover their own strengths and aptitudes, and inspire and expand themselves as individuals.
Mrs Hopes, Head of Learning for Life, will lead the programme which is open to all year groups.  Pupils who want to participate must complete the blue ‘Activity Research and Selection’ sheet available from the school office or Mrs Hopes.  Completed forms can be returned in the same way.
On launching the scheme, Miss Smith said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for Priory pupils to be recognised for utilising personal attributes in and out of school. Our pupils participate in so many activities outside of lessons and appear to be keen to gain recognition for their efforts. There has been a great deal of interest in the award and I look forward to reading about the vast array of activities our pupils will be engaged in.”
Pupils select ten activities across five attributes to work towards their award.
The five attributes are: 
  • Leadership (eg. Making decisions, acting responsibly, collaborating)
  • Organisation (eg. Time management, problem solving)
  • Resilience (eg. Showing commitment, working under pressure,)
  • Initiative (eg. Creativity and seeing the value in being of service to others)
  • Communication (eg. Editing, presenting, matching form and content to the audience)
Pupils will be able to view resources, information and share their activity evidence through a dedicated area on SharePoint.  Progress can be made through three levels (Apprentice, Graduate, Master) as they move up the school. Each level should take no longer than a term to complete and can be achieved either alone or as part of a small group in class, extra-curricular or in their lives outside school.
Pupils will receive a Priory PiXL Edge Attribute certificate at completion of each attribute activity. On completion of all ten activities pupils will receive their PiXL Edge Apprentice Award and an interactive digibadge, which records details of the scheme and their achievements online.
More than 700 schools are now members of the scheme which is backed by employers.  The awards can be used to support applications to college, university and employment, giving them a competitive recruitment edge.