
Physical Education makes an important contribution to the education and physical development of our students, building on previous learning at Key Stage 2.

In PE we aim to challenge all students with a broad and balanced education, with a focus on enjoyment and progression, and developing each pupil’s physical skills and interests in our extensive range of activities. Pupils are expected be challenged and required to think hard in each lesson. In addition, there are strong links with the work done by pupils towards the PIXL Edge awards from apprentice through to graduate with skills including leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication.

We seek to strike a balance between performance and participation, not only enabling our most able sportsmen and women to achieve excellence, but also catering for the needs of all pupils in the context of a PE and games curriculum which is underpinned by a ‘sport for all’ philosophy. Here knowledge underpins our approach with pupils knowing each lesson what they are learning, how it fits into the schema of the unit and how this may link with other subjects. The knowledge we want pupils to acquire is sequenced and mapped deliberately and coherently and we use strategies such as spaced retrieval practice, low-stakes testing and plenty of repeated practice for automatic responses and fluency to ensure that concepts are understood, knowledge that has been taught is remembered and it is shown through the skill to apply it in specific situations in and beyond school.

We look to ensure that pupils are physically active for sustained periods of the lesson and how important it is to lead a healthy active life. Our P.E. specialists and professional coaches provide high quality teaching and coaching, bringing with them a wide experience of playing and coaching at a top level.

Through PE and the activities offered we are looking to offer opportunities for students to:

  • Develop their ability to perform skills and actions with increasing control, fluency and originality;
  • Learn how to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas with knowledge and understanding in different activities;
  • Develop observational skills, to effectively analyse, access and make improvements on their own the work of others;
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of safe practice and their ability to demonstrate consistently due consideration for their own and the well-being of others;

At KS4 we have experience of offering a range of academic and vocational routes in sport that will allow pupils to progress in a career pathway of their choosing. These include GCSE PE, BTEC Sport and NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health & Fitness.

Through KS3 and 4, a great emphasis is put on the acquisition and use of a broad vocabulary and facilitate this through the reading of non-fiction texts related to sport.

All students can experience extra-curricular sport, and the valuable social and moral lessons it brings. This is for students who excel at an activity, or gain enjoyment from participating in a competitive environment. Trips and visits are provided to support the learning of pupils and motivate/inspire them into a lifelong association with sport. These include participation in district, county and national competitions.

This subject has links into Science with topics such as anatomy and physiology, Food Technology with diet and nutrition and PSHE with healthy lifestyles.

Physical Education Department Staff 

Mr Bullock - Head of PE & School Sport 

Mr Gee – Assistant Principal 

Mrs Bullock – Head of Year 10

Miss Beesley

Lessons – Core PE

Year 7 - 2 Hours Per Week

Year 8 - 2 Hours Per Week

Year 9 - 2 Hours Per Week

Year 10 - 1 Hour Per Week

Year 11 - 1 Hour Per Week

Lessons – PE as an Option Subject at KS4

Year 10 - 3 Hours Per Week

Year 11 - 3 Hours Per Week


A typical lesson in the Physical Education Department is carefully planned to ensure that there are learning objectives and outcomes, the knowledge of a skill is explicitly taught and linked to theory, before the pupils develop the skills through progressive practices and games. It is an ambitious curriculum that aims to challenge all students to increase knowledge and skills progressively over lessons, units and year groups aiming for mastery. The range of activities covered is broad to allow all pupils the opportunity to find an activity that encourages them to lead healthy and active lifestyles, both within school and when they leave.

In Key Stage 3 formative assessment takes place through each unit of work and then self and teacher summative assessment is recorded in the pupils own Personal Learning Checklist booklet. This allows the pupils, and teacher to see the progress they have made through the unit and the knowledge and skills that they have built on from the previous year. Quality first teaching is vital within the Physical Education department to ensure that pupils achieve the knowledge and skills required to progress and be successful in future lessons.

At Key Stage 4 the NCFE VCert in Health & Fitness is being delivered to both Year 10 and 11. This comes after previously entering pupils on both BTEC Level 2 Sport and OCR GCSE PE. It is felt, that for the cohorts that we currently have, the VCert course will allow the pupils to both gain the required knowledge and skills to continue on an PE course at further education. The course is a combination of an exam, assessing theoretical knowledge of a range of physiological topics and a synoptic assignment that looks at fitness testing and applying knowledge from the examined content.

In the extra-curricular timetable, we provide a wide variety of activities at lunchtimes and after school so that all pupils have the opportunity to access sport. All teachers promote an environment of enjoyment as well as mastery of advanced skills so that there is both high numbers taking part for the physical/social/mental benefits whilst there are some who will be involved in the competitive teams representing Priory.

PE Curriculum

Attainment and Progress (national tests and assessments)

2023 NCFE Higher and Foundation Outcomes



L2D* - L2D %

L2D* - L2M %

L2D* - L2P %

Health & Fitness

33.3 53.3 86.7 93.3

We look to have guests in to school that can speak to pupils and inspire them to continue in sport. Recently this has included Ryan Allen who is the PNE Community Rugby coach funded by 2023 World Cup. He coached pupils in school and has established a new club with Priory pupils key members of the team.

Dave Hankin, South Ribble Active Sport Coach and ex-professional footballer is based at Priory one day a week. He runs numerous activities with the pupils but also provides some football support to pupils or teams in school.

As part of the partnership with South Ribble Active Sports there a number of leadership workshops offered through the year. These prepare students to assist with the delivery and running of Athletics, Football, Rugby, Netball and Trampolining competitions. The courses run are available to all year groups

We have run an Athletics Able and Ambitious Day for selected students to allow them to progress in individual events. This was delivered by an external high level coach who coaches athletes in national competitions.

We offer a full range of extra-curricular activities that are covered initially in the curriculum time. We have teams for Football, netball, cricket, basketball, badminton, athletics and rounders.

Within PE there are multiple opportunities for pupils to volunteer, working with younger pupils within the school and primary pupils. Key Stage 4 pupils can officiate Key Stage 3 South Ribble fixtures to aid their development and experiences. We have Young Leaders assisting the delivery of Dance from the Heart, Indoor Athletics Competitions, alongside officiating Rugby, Netball and Football tournaments.

Where can studying PE take you?