At Penwortham Priory Academy we are committed to ensuring that all students have access to their curriculum and can access learning from home.  

Staff are committed to digital transformation and through continuing professional development, making the entire curriculum remotely accessible for pupils whilst utilising all the features that Microsoft Teams can offer. 

Should a student be absent from school, they can access content for their lessons via Microsoft Teams and they also have access to their own documents and any app or website that we use in school. All students have login details and passwords for all online platforms.  Please download the guidance below that further supports the login requirements for our learning platforms.

Guidance for remote learning

In the event of a national, local or 'bubble' lockdown pupils should follow their normal timetable remotely.  Teachers will design, and upload, lessons and activities that follow the curriculum plans.  Students are advised to spend the same number of allocated hours on each subject at home as they would if they were in school.  You can download the overall Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum maps below.

For support in accessing Office 365 and MS Teams 

Please go to


Pupil Emails - A Reminder


A reminder that pupils should not use their personal email address to communicate with Priory staff.  All pupils have been issued with a school email account.  These accounts have been secured so that they cannot send/receive emails from outside of the school domain. 

Pupils have access to Microsoft Office 365 through their email account which is accessible from home whereby they can upload files into OneDrive then use the school email address to send the files to their teachers. Once logged into Office 365 pupils can also access Teams which provides another avenue for pupils to communicate with their teachers.

All pupil email addresses follow this format: whereby the number is the year a pupil started at Priory ie, 20 for Year 7, 16 for Year 11, your initial and surname.

For further guidance on this, please go to 

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map

Other Resources

To add variety to our pupils’ daily routine and/or to complement the work being set remotely by staff, you may wish to explore the following resources:


The paid-for audiobook subscription service owned by Amazon, has made more than 200 titles for children and young adults free to listen to without the need to sign up. See  

Oak National Academy

The Oak National Academy contains a series of 180 online lessons per week and is suitable for pupils through to Year 10. The online lessons have been prepared by teachers and education organisations: