At Penwortham Priory Academy the Childcare and Development curriculum teaches pupils about both the physical, emotional and social developments of children aged 0-5 years and the variety of child care settings which are available. This knowledge and understanding will provide the pupils with important life skills and develop their care and compassion for children within the early years sector.

Through the Childcare and Development course pupils will draw and build upon their prior learning from several other curriculum areas including, English, Biology, PSHE, Citizenship, RE and ICT. The course is designed to challenge pupils learning experiences and provide them with an overview of the different types of settings and local provision for children in their local area. They will learn how to prepare to work with children in either a nursery, school, childminder or in the voluntary sector such as Rainbows and Beavers.

Through Big Questions pupils will be required to think hard and explore the diverse needs of children and their families within today’s society and discuss the importance of equality and inclusion within all childcare settings. Pupils will also gain an understanding of the biological and environmental factors which may result in a child needing additional support. Pupils will explore opportunities of leadership, resilience and good communication skills when evaluating how these are vital when working within the childcare sector and demonstrate their growing knowledge through their written and verbal communication.

Knowledge underpins our curriculum therefore classroom-based learning about child care and development will form the foundations for all pupils. They are given an overview of their learning journey at the beginning of the course and the start of each individual unit of work. Clear guidelines are given with regard to what they will learn, the reasons why this is applicable to the course and what skills they will use and develop in doing so. The examination board criteria is shared with pupils to ensure they are fully aware of the expectations which need to be met in order to complete the course and be successful in their learning journey.

The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that learning builds upon existing knowledge and develops new knowledge and skills and builds on their schema. Pupils are able to track this within personal learning checklists which follow the exam board specification. The delivery of the scheme is done in a manner which allows for spaced retrieval, low stakes testing and repeated practice are used to ensure that concepts are understood and knowledge is remembered. Delivery of the curriculum is done so with the use of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary, modelling and exposure to it through relevant texts, journals, new articles and websites.

Pupils will be given opportunities to experience their knowledge and understanding of childcare settings in practice through work placement in year 10 and college taster sessions which offer an insight to post 16 progression at level 3, apprenticeships and alternative Chid Development or Healthcare career pathways. The curriculum is further enhanced through interactive learning sessions with key speakers from Childcare professionals and provides pupils with a wider understanding of both the local and national communities around them.

Attainment and Progress (national tests and assessments)

2023 Childcare & Development Outcomes


A* - A %

A* - C %





  • We provide pupils with opportunities to complete work experience within local nurseries and other childcare settings, with priority given to those with a keen interest in furthering their career within this sector.

  • Local colleges host taster days where pupils are given the opportunity to engage in sample lessons for both Childcare and Health and Social Care.

  • Guest speakers from both local post 16 providers and childcare professionals are hosted within school offering pupils with an opportunity to explore careers and education within the Childcare sector beyond Priory.

  • Visits to local childcare settings can be arranged for pupils to see their studies in action.

  • During our whole school Culture Week pupils explore different celebrations connected with faiths and cultures from around the world.

Where can studying Childcare take you?