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COVID-19: Advice for places of education
The Department for Education has launched a new Coronavirus helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education.
Food tech pupils enjoy a taste of Runshaw College
Yesterday, a small group of incredibly talented GCSE Food Technology & Nutrition pupils ventured to Runshaw College to sample the delights of its Catering & Hospitality and Travel & Tourism departments.
Ofsted Inspection 3 March
We have been informed today that Ofsted will inspect Penwortham Priory Academy on 03 March 2020.
Peer mentors prove perfect role models
At Priory we realise that our older pupils are excellent role models for younger pupils and so we have a very successful peer mentoring programme in place.
Mrs Gidden's Cool Readers Club - Junior
Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits. This week we interviewed Year 7 pupil, Junior.
World book day
Last year's World Book Day celebrations at Priory were great fun and this year will be no exception.
Jo Ann attests her plans to join the force
While many pupils are thinking about their career options, Year 11 Jo-Ann is already making big strides for her future.
Year 11 MFL pupils aim for top grades at PiXL conference
Last Thursday, Year 11 GCSE French pupils travelled to Manchester for a PiXL conference to get them 'exam ready'.
It's only rock and roll but they liked it!
After months in the planning, overcoming many set-backs, Miss Howell and Priory's actors, singers, dancers and back-stage crew finally took to the stage this week with two stunning performances of 'We Will Rock You'.
Moving and shaking in Year 8 Geography
In Geography this week, students of Year 8 have been designing and then building their own earthquake-proof buildings before evaluating their success - with some fantastic results.
Mrs Gidden's cool readers club - Henry
Priory’s Head of English, Mrs Gidden, has been really impressed with many of our multi-talented pupils and wanted to highlight their love of reading while excelling at other pursuits. This week we interviewed Year 7 pupil, Henry.
Lovingly made cakes raise money for charity
These sweet treats were definitely made with love, so much so that Deputy Head, Mrs Cowell, had real heartache in choosing the competition's winners.