Latest News
Are you a random reader?
This half term, due to school closure, it was impossible to run Get Caught Reading its place there was ‘RANDOM READER’.
The ducks are back
For the fifth year Mother Duck has returned to the school’s Mediterranean garden to rear her young.
Spring term attendance awards
Despite school closure, the Easter draw still took place giving well deserved pupils with 95% and above attendance a chance of winning an Easter egg.
Response to Coronavirus - Update 17 April
17 April: A letter from the Headteacher as we prepare for a further 3 weeks of remote learning.
Humanities photo challenge - Week 2 (red)
Another week with over 50 entries and some fantastic, unique photo opportunities.
Response to Coronavirus - Update 3 April
3 April: Update letter from the headteacher including how grades will be calculated
Head pays tribute to staff
Head pays tribute to staff for standing shoulder to shoulder during Coronavirus isolation plans
Humanities photo challenge - Week 1 (nature)
What a brilliant effort by all our students in the first week of the Priory Photo Competition - theme 'Nature'.
Response to Coronavirus - Update 27 March
27 March: Engagement of pupils in working through the remote learning materials.
Response to Coronavirus - Update 23 March
23 March: A letter has been issued to parents tonight with an update in response to Coronavirus. This includes outline information on how GCSEs will be awarded.
School communications during Coronavirus outbreak
Through these uncertain times, please ensure that you check the school's communication channels for school updates on the dynamic situation we find ourselves in.