11 July 2024
Image of GCSE Results Day - 22 August 2024

GCSE Results Day - 22 August 2024

GCSE results will be available for Class of 2024 to collect from school on Thursday, 22 August between 11am and 1pm.

16 November 2023
Image of Class of 2023 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2023 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2023 pupils can now collect their GCSE certificates from the school reception.

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day 2023

GCSE Results Day 2023

These results, in a year when there has been an expected fall in grades nationally, are a real celebration for all, after 5 years of hard work, to get our young people to where they are now and are testimony to the dedication of everyone.

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - Hannah, Lucas & Eliza's Story

GCSE Results Day - Hannah, Lucas & Eliza's Story

Regardless of the results however, we recognise our 2023 leavers as precious and unique individuals, and throughout their final year with us, they have shown how determined and hopeful they are, demonstrating remarkable levels of resilience.  Here's how Hannah, Lucas and Eliza got on...

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - Ben, Fatima & Maya's Story

GCSE Results Day - Ben, Fatima & Maya's Story

Head Prefects Ben and Fatima, and Senior Prefect Maya, were three of our top achievers, here they tell us how they got on with their GCSE results...

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - Uzair, Jake and Achie's Story

GCSE Results Day - Uzair, Jake and Achie's Story

Congratulations to our pupils. We all know how hard it’s been at times, but also how hard they have worked. They should be very proud. Here's how Uzair, Jake and Archie got on...

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - Taylor & Sara's Story

GCSE Results Day - Taylor & Sara's Story

Congratulations on your achievements this week, Class of 2023, and our very best wishes for what we're sure will be your bright and exciting futures. Here's how Taylor and Sara got on...

24 August 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - Holly, Emmi & Leo's Story

GCSE Results Day - Holly, Emmi & Leo's Story

Their results will ensure our students can now leave Priory, equipped with the right skills and attitudes to help them succeed in life, contribute positively to society, and go on to further education, employment or training. Here's how Holly, Emmi and Leo got on...

12 July 2023
Image of GCSE Results Day - 24 August 2023

GCSE Results Day - 24 August 2023

GCSE results will be available for Class of 2023 to collect from school on Thursday, 24 August between 11am and 1pm.

17 November 2022
Image of Class of 2022 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2022 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2022 pupils can now collect their GCSE certificates from the school reception.

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results Day - Well done Year 11

GCSE Results Day - Well done Year 11

Despite an incredibly tough two years for everyone in preparing our pupils for their GCSEs, we have a real sense of celebration today with pupils achieving great results in all subject areas.

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results Day - James and Jack's story

GCSE Results Day - James and Jack's story

James and Jack celebrated an amazing twelve Grade 9s between them and are both off to Newman College.

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results Day - Alfie and Tom's story

GCSE Results Day - Alfie and Tom's story

Twins Alfie and Tom got almost identical GCSE results and are studying the same subjects at college!

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results - Emily, Erin & Josie's Story

GCSE Results - Emily, Erin & Josie's Story

Languages teacher Mrs Scully was delighted with her French results, which included three Grade 9s for the girls.

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results Day - Hannah & Josh's story

GCSE Results Day - Hannah & Josh's story

Josh and Hannah both came from the same primary school and are now moving on to Newman College together after their high school success.

25 August 2022
Image of GCSE Results Day - Rhianne and Ella's Story

GCSE Results Day - Rhianne and Ella's Story

Rhianne and Ella are celebrating ten Grade 9s between them.

24 November 2021
Image of Class of 2021 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2021 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2021 pupils can now collect their GCSE certificates from the school office from Thurs, 24 November.

12 August 2021
Image of GCSE results day 2021

GCSE results day 2021

Our pupils have achieved a great set of results again this year and continued to secure our positive direction of travel in terms of academic outcomes as a school.

12 August 2021
Image of GCSE results day - The boys' stories

GCSE results day - The boys' stories

We are immensely proud of all the work and achievements of all our pupils, especially after such a difficult and disrupted year. Here are the boys' stories...

12 August 2021
Image of GCSE results day - The girls' stories

GCSE results day - The girls' stories

We are immensely proud of all the work and achievements of all our pupils, especially after such a difficult and disrupted year. Here are the girls' stories...

2 August 2021
Image of GCSE Results Collection - Class of 2021

GCSE Results Collection - Class of 2021

GCSE results will be available to collect from school on Thursday, 12 August between 11am and 1pm.

1 December 2020
Image of Class of 2020 celebration awards presentation

Class of 2020 celebration awards presentation

The celebration awards presentation is now available for families to watch online.

27 November 2020
Image of Class of 2020 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2020 GCSE Certificate Collection

Class of 2020 pupils can now collect their GCSE certificates from the school office from Mon, 30 November.

21 August 2020
Image of GCSE results day 2020

GCSE results day 2020

The sun finally shone down for our Class of 2020 on results day.

20 August 2020
Image of Outstanding - Holly, Colin and Sasha

Outstanding - Holly, Colin and Sasha

Holly and Colin were our highest achievers on GCSE results day.

20 August 2020
Image of Tanisha and Libby's stories made the press

Tanisha and Libby's stories made the press

Tanisha and Libby's stories made the press on GCSE results day.